
Browse the glossary below to learn the terms you need to know to successfully implement RTI in your school. This glossary was compiled using the following resources: The RTI Glossary of Terms developed by the IDEA Partnership @ NASDSE, the New Mexico Public Education Department RTI Glossary, and contributions from members of the RTI Action Network Advisory Council.

All | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | I | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V

Parental Engagement

The meaningful and active involvement of parents and family members in the educational process.

Positive Behavior Support

A tiered intervention system based on school-wide practices that encourage and reward positive student and adult behavior.

Positive Behavior Supports

Evidence-based practices embedded in the school curriculum/culture/expectations that have a prevention focus; teaching, practice, and demonstration of pro-social behaviors.

Prescriptive Intervention

A specified response, which focuses on academic or behavioral areas of concern, to meet the specific needs of a student.

Primary Levels of Intervention

Interventions that are preventive and proactive; implementation is school-wide or by whole classroom; often connected to broadest tier (core or foundational tier) of a tiered intervention model.

Problem-Solving Approach to RTI

Assumes that no given intervention will be effective for all students; generally has four stages (problem identification, problem analysis, plan implementation, and plan evaluation); is sensitive to individual student differences; depends on the integrity of implementing interventions.

Problem-Solving Team

Group of education professionals coming together to consider student-specific
data, brainstorm possible strategies/interventions, and develop a plan of action to address a student-specific need.

Professional Learning Community

A group of individuals who seek and participate in professional learning on an identified topic.

Progress Monitoring

A scientifically based practice used to assess students’ academic performance and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction. Progress monitoring can be implemented with individual students or an entire class. Also, the process used to monitor implementation of specific interventions.