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Powerful classroom instruction begins with the adoption and use of an evidence-based curriculum, so it is essential to select basals, textbooks, and interventions that have an evidence base demonstrating effectiveness with the intended population. However, effective teachers do not simply teach such a program page-by-page in the same way for all students. Rather, they differentiate instruction, providing instruction designed to meet the specific needs of students in the class.
Featured Term
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)Process of designing instruction that is accessible by all students; UDL includes multiple means of representation, multiple means of expression, and multiple means of engagement; the focus in creation of UDL curricula is on technology and materials. More Terms »
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Selecting a Scientifically Based Core Curriculum for Tier 1
The purpose of this article is to discuss the Response-to-Intervention (RTI) component of scientifically based instruction for all students (Tier 1). The aim of this article is to assist the reader in making informed decisions about the nature of Tier 1 instruction.
Read “Selecting a Scientifically Based Core Curriculum for Tier 1” »
High-Quality Classroom Instruction
Providing quality classroom reading instruction with certain research-validated characteristics can make a big difference for struggling readers. In the introductory article for this section, Carolyn Denton, of the University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, introduces that research and emphasizes how effective classroom reading instruction can have a large impact on the progress of students with reading difficulties.
Read “Classroom Reading Instruction That Supports Struggling Readers.” »
Classroom Reading Instruction That Supports Struggling Readers: Key Components for Effective Teaching
This article focuses on identifying and then exploring in more detail the key components of powerful instruction delivered by effective teachers.
Read “Classroom Reading Instruction That Supports Struggling Readers: Key Components for Effective Teaching.”»
Response to Intervention: Implications for Spanish-Speaking English Language Learners
There is growing evidence that RTI can provide effective interventions for English language learners who struggle with reading. This article provides information to help educators design instruction to meet the specific language and conceptual needs of Spanish-Speaking English Language Learners within an RTI framework.
Read “Response to Intervention: Implications for Spanish-Speaking English Language Learners” »
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