Chuck Gameon

Chuck Gameon has 21 years of experience in education with eleven of those years spent as an elementary school principal. He is currently the elementary principal at Choteau Elementary School in Choteau, Montana, which has been involved in RtI for the past seven years.  For the past three years, he has worked for the Montana Office of Public Instruction as an RtI facilitator and consultant.  During this time, he has helped to provide training for schools within his professional development region and around the state of Montana.  He is currently working with a team to write training modules for teams throughout the state.  He was the 2009 National Distinguished Principal for Montana. 

Mr. Gameon has led his school in the integration of the RtI process in math over the last four years.  He is actively involved in improving math instruction and has facilitated a change in math scope and sequence through NCTM’s Focal Points and Common Core Standards at his school.  Because of the work that has happened in math at Choteau Elementary, they were asked to participate in a field study for a new math benchmarking and progress monitoring program.

Talks Featured

RTI and Mathematics

October 20, 2011

Join David Allsopp and Chuck Gameon as they explore the application of multi-tiered systems of support in mathematics and answer your questions about key issues including effective instructional practices for interventions, strategies for screening and progress monitoring, and criteria to think about when selecting intervention curricula.