Voices from the Field

This is the place to share stories and showcase your RTI successes. Educators and families talk about what they did, the challenges they faced, the outcomes of their efforts, and advice they would give others. Take advantage of this rich opportunity to gain insights from the experiences and wisdom of others.

National Effort Provides Insight on Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities
The National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) supported a national initiative called Moving Your Numbers: Improving Learning for Students with Disabilities as Part of District-wide Reform, an examination of how 10 school districts with vastly different demographics increased the performance of students with disabilities as part of ongoing system-wide improvement efforts.
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Building and Sustaining Capacity for Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction Leads to Improved Student
“The entire school is now organized around student success. Teachers continually address the individual needs of students using evidence-based practices. Data meetings are dynamic and focused with staff comfortable reviewing data and making data-based instructional decisions. Student outcomes have improved.”

— James L. Montanari, Principal of Salisbury Elementary School, Triton Regional School District, Massachusetts

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RTI Implementation in the Poudre School District (PSD), Colorado
"What we consistently emphasize is that an effective problem-solving process is critical, even if the logistics of that process look a little different from school to school. Effective RtI Implementation is not a checklist; it is a way of going about meeting the needs of learners."
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Response to Intervention at Pear Park Elementary School
"Teachers are now very comfortable with the RtI process and are seeing the benefits. It is a striking reminder of how far we have come when we receive students who are coming to us without any RtI records. This is shocking to our teachers, and they are now strong advocates for RtI!"

Elaine Fletemeyer, Literacy Interventionist-Coach and RtI Coordinator at Pear Park Elementary School in District #51, Grand Junction, Colorado
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RTI Implementation at Cheyenne Mountain Junior High School
"Take a few risks with your master schedule, instructional practices, and RtI processes to learn what works best in your school environment. Stay with it, use data to drive your decision-making, and involve as many school staff as possible as you initiate RtI in your school."

Lori Smith is principal at Cheyenne Mountain Junior High in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
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