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Universal Screening
A central component of all RTI models is early screening of all students to identify those at risk for academic and/or behavior difficulties. In this introductory article, Joseph Jenkins of the University of Washington and Evelyn Johnson of Boise State University use reading screens to illustrate the process of universal screening, its benefits, and its challenges. Read "Universal Screening for Reading Problems: Why and How Should We Do This?" »
Featured Term
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)Process of designing instruction that is accessible by all students; UDL includes multiple means of representation, multiple means of expression, and multiple means of engagement; the focus in creation of UDL curricula is on technology and materials. More Terms »
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Screening for Reading Problems in an RTI Framework
The primary purpose of screening in an RTI framework is to identify those students who without further intervention will be likely to develop reading problems at a later time. This article summarizes and discusses the challenges of screening for a reading problem in a RTI framework.
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Screening for Reading Problems in Grades 1 Through 3: An Overview of Select Measures
Learning to read is arguably the most important work of students in the early elementary grades. Learning to read lays the foundation for future learning and understanding across all areas of the curriculum. Without this foundation, students will struggle to achieve academically in not only reading and writing, but also in areas such as math, science, and social studies. Decades of reading research have provided a good blueprint for understanding how children learn how to read.
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Screening for Reading Problems in Grades 4 Through 12
When RTI is implemented with fidelity in the early grades, the anticipated outcome is that students who are struggling readers will be identified early and provided intervention. Even with an effective RTI process in place in Grades K–3, however, there will continue to be students in the later grades who require intervention to support their reading development. For schools, this means that a system for screening to identify struggling readers needs to continue beyond the early elementary grades into the middle and high school grades.
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Screening for Reading Problems in Preschool and Kindergarten: An Overview of Select Measures
Accurate identification of children who experience delays in attaining critical early literacy skills is needed to prevent reading problems. Studies have demonstrated that reading problems become increasingly more resistant to intervention and treatment after the 3rd grade. Given this, early literacy screening of young children for potential problems with beginning literacy skills is particularly important and serves a variety of purposes.
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