

Diversity and Disproportionality

Choose from among a list of Web-based training opportunities, both archived and upcoming, to develop your skills and increase your knowledge of effective RTI practices. Ongoing professional development is essential across school personnel to ensure that RTI is implemented with fidelity.


RTI-Based SLD Identification Toolkit

In this free webinar, the panelists will explore NCLD's new online guide, the RTI-Based Specific Learning Disability Identification Toolkit, to help educators, policymakers, researchers and others gain an understanding of how an Response to Intervention (RTI) process should guide identification. According to NCLD’s executive director, James H. Wendorf, “This toolkit will be of immense help to school teams working with the millions children suspected of having unidentified learning and attention issues each year. Not only does it outline best practices for the special education identification process, but also enables schools to use the identification process itself to gather and use data about the student’s progress to inform and improve instruction and outcomes.” Learn more and access the archived webinar.

Implementing the Common Core State Standards for Students with Learning Disabilities

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) initiative provides an opportunity to improve access to rigorous academic content for students with disabilities. However, the challenges lie in ensuring that students with disabilities will have the supports, services, accommodations, and modifications they need to realize the same educational benefit that all other students receive. In this webinar, Drs. Margaret McLaughlin, Louisa Moats, and George Batsche, explored the opportunities and challenges of implementing the CCSS with students with learning disabilities. They also presented practical strategies for establishing systems to support the work of administrators and teachers for successful CCSS implementation. Learn more and access the archived webinar.


Integrating Academic and Behavior Supports Within an RTI Framework


In this webinar, Drs. Kent McIntosh, Hank Bohanon, and Steve Goodman provided background on why integrating academic and behavior RTI systems improves student outcomes and helps prevent school failure. They also provided specific examples of how academic and behavior systems can be combined into an integrated school-wide system of supports for students.


The Integrating Academic and Behavior Supports Within an RTI Framework Webinar PowerPoint Handout is now available. In addition, download a copy of the Braiding District Initiatives Worksheet and the Behavior Webinar Resource List.


Screening for Reading Problems in an RTI Framework


In this webinar, Drs. Evelyn Johnson and Juli Pool summarized and discussed the challenges of screening for reading problems in an RTI framework. They also provided an overview of the screening processes that have been used to identify student at risk for reading problems and discussed screening measures that work well in identifying students from pre-K through grade 12 who are at risk for reading problems. View the free webinar recording: Screening for Reading Problems in an RTI Framework. (Note: You need Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player to access the webinar recording.)


The Screening for Reading Problems in an RTI Framework Webinar PowerPoint Handout is now available.


RTI Action Network RTI National Online Forum Series


Access any of our National Online Forums to learn from top implementers and experts engaging in critical dialogue about RTI. Archived forums include a 90-minute video program with accompanying PowerPoint slides as well as recommended readings and suggested discussion questions. Each webcast can be used as a centerpiece for staff development or for your own personal professional development. Visit the National Online Forum Series page for more information.


Forums include:


  • "The Role of RTI in LD Identification." Featuring Drs. Don Deshler, Jack M. Fletcher, Rick Wagner
  • "Are You Ready for RTI? What Do You Need to Know, and What Do You Need to Do?" Featuring Drs. Judy Elliott, Ann Casey, and David Prasse
  • "Data-Based Decision Making." Featuring Dr. Lynn Fuchs, and Dr. Joe Kovaleski, and Mr. John Carruth

Early Childhood 2010 Meeting Handouts


On August 3, 2010, the RTI Action Network presented a session titled "Response to Intervention (RTI) in Early Childhood" at the Early Childhood 2010 Meeting in Washington, DC, which was convened jointly by the U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The session addressed the essential components, benefits, and challenges unique to implementing RTI in early childhood programs, with consideration of both policy and practice. In addition, presenters described two informational Web sites—Recognition & Response and the Center for Response to Intervention in Early Childhood—that provide some guidance for local programs interested in RTI.


The following materials and resources presented at the session are now available to download:


IDA Convention Handouts


On October 28, 2010, the RTI Action Network partnered with the 95 Percent Group to present a half-day symposium titled "Implementing Response to Intervention (RTI):  Practical Tips from a School Perspective" at the Annual Conference of the International Dyslexia Association in Phoenix, AZ. Three school teams shared honest stories and practical tips about how they have successfully implemented RTI, as well as the questions that still present challenges in their buildings.


The following materials and resources presented at the session are now available to download:


Creating Capacity: Preparing Educators for RTI


The National Education Association (NEA) and the RTI Action Network co-sponsored a symposium last fall on Response to Intervention and the importance of teacher preparation and professional development. View the archived videos from "Creating Capacity: Preparing Educators for RTI" (available free through the NEA Academy) featuring nationally renowned RTI experts. The symposium suggests recommendations and next steps for both practice and policy to address RTI, teacher preparation, and professional development issues.


For more information about teacher preparation and professional development, read the following related blogs:


National Center on Response to Intervention CBM Summer Series


Over the course of the 2009 summer, the National Center on Response to Intervention will be offering a series of free webinars on Curriculum Based Measurement. Learn the basics of CBM, how to administer it, and ways to utilize the data you collect within a response to intervention framework.

Webinars include:


  • Introduction to Curriculum Based Measurement
  • How to Administer CBM in Reading
  • Other Ways to Use CBM Data

Colorado Department of Education (CDE) RTI Videos


The Colorado Department of Education has developed two videos and an accompanying PDF video guide as a resource for schools implementing RTI. These videos model the problem-solving process and its role within a Response to Intervention framework in both academics and behavior. The video guide is intended to help school problem-solving teams understand the steps of the problem-solving process. Both of these are useful tools for educators as they learn and discuss the various roles and responsibilities of a problem-solving team.


Florida Department of Education (FDOE) RTI Training Course


The Florida Department of Education has created a Florida RtI Introductory Training Course that includes four self-paced modules and serves as a comprehensive introduction to Problem-Solving and Response to Intervention. This course can be useful for district and school administrators, curriculum specialists, teachers, student services personnel, as well as parents.


Modules include selected literature, a PowerPoint presentation with accompanying notes, and an online evaluation to assess knowledge. Participants must complete each module successfully with a score of 100% in order to move on to the next module and upon completion, a certificate is awarded.


This course is a useful resource to test your personal knowledge of RTI and the problem-solving process or as a professional development tool to use in your school or district.



NAESP Convention Handouts


On April 4, 2009, the RTI Action Network partnered with the IDEA Partnership and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) to present a full-day workshop and a three-hour session titled "RTI: The Principal’s Role in Making It Work for Students, Staff, and Families" at NAESP’s Annual Convention in New Orleans, LA. The presentations addressed the principal’s role as a change agent in RTI and examined several successful examples.


The following materials and resources presented at the session are now available to download:


View Bob Heimbaugh's follow-up blog from the NAESP Convention.

NASSP Convention Handout


On February 28, 2009, the RTI Action Network presented a session titled "RTI at the Secondary Level: How Do We Do This?" at the National Association of Secondary School Principals' Convention in San Diego, CA. The session provided a discussion of challenges and solutions for implementing RTI at the secondary level and shared strategies for bringing effective supports to students through collaboration among educators.


A PDF of the PowerPoint presentation and an RTI Planning Tool worksheet from that session are now available to download.

California Department of Education RTI Webcast Training Series


The California Department of Education offers free materials from their "Response to Intervention Training for California Educators" Webcast Training Series. Top educators from across the nation provide information on implementing a multi-tier Response to Intervention (RTI) system aligned with NCLB that is designed to improve child academic and behavioral outcomes. The series includes the following 5 presentations with accompanying information on implementing RTI:


  • RTI - Why Now? Presenters: Jack Fletcher, Dan Reschly, and W. David Tilly, III
  • What is RTI? Presenter: Amanda M. VanDerHeyden
  • Administrative Issues in RTI Presenters: Judy Elliott, George Batsche, and Roy Applegate
  • Instruction in RTI Systems Presenters: Barbara Moore-Brown and Wendy Robinson
  • RTI - Getting Started Presenters: Alnita Dunn, Margie McGlinchey, and Jan Mayer

Center on Instruction Webinars on RTI

The Center on Instruction website features numerous free webinars that address various aspects of Response to Intervention. These webinars provide resources to schools and districts as they move forward with implementing RTI. Archived webinars include:


  • Improving Student Achievement through the Use of Data and Differentiated Instruction
  • High School Tiered Interventions Initiative (HSTII)
  • Academic Literacy Community of Practice
  • Fostering Collaboration between General and Special Educators
  • RTI in Math: An Introduction

Idaho Department of Education RTI Webinar Series

The Idaho Department of Education developed a webinar series on RTI in the 2009-2010 school year. While the modules correspond to the document, Response to Intervention – Idaho: Connecting the Pieces: Guidance for Idaho Schools and Districts, the webinar series is a useful resource for schools and districts across the country that are implementing RTI in their schools. The webinar series includes the following:


  • The ABCs of RTI: Guidance for Parents
  • Universal Screening for Academics and Behavior
  • Parent and Family Roles in RTI: Guidance for Educators
  • Guidance for Building and Using a Comprehensive Assessment Plan
  • Overview of RTI Teams & Processes
  • District Level Leadership- Supporting a Rigorous Response to Intervention Framework
  • District Level Leadership PART II - Supporting a Rigorous Response to Intervention Framework

International Reading Association’s Commission on RTI Webinar Series


The International Reading Association’s (IRA) Commission on RTI developed a webinar series (bottom of page) in 2010 to address various aspects of RTI. These webinars are available to schools and districts implementing RTI. The webinar series includes the following topics:


  • Core Instruction
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Language Diversity
  • Assessment
  • RTI at the Secondary Level

The IRIS Center Training Modules on RTI


The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements, a national center funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), has developed a series of Star Legacy training modules on a range of topics related to students with disabilities. All IRIS materials are available free of charge through the IRIS Web site. Below are descriptions and links of the training modules that focus on Response to Intervention (RTI):


  • RTI (Part 1): An Overview - This module outlines the differences between the IQ-achievement discrepancy model and the RTI model. It also offers a brief overview of each tier in the RTI model and explains its benefits.
  • RTI (Part 2): Assessment - This module explores in detail the assessment procedures integral to RTI. It also outlines how to use progress monitoring data to determine if a student is meeting the established performance criteria or if more intensive intervention is needed.
  • RTI (Part 3): Reading Instruction - This module illustrates different research-based reading strategies that may be used with the RTI model to improve reading skills.
  • RTI (Part 4): Putting It All Together - This module synthesizes the information in RTI (Parts 1, 2, and 3) to provide teachers and other school personnel with a more comprehensive illustration of how to successfully implement RTI.
  • RTI (Part 5): A Closer Look at Tier 3 - This module describes which students will receive Tier 3 intervention (i.e., special education services), components of Tier 3 reading interventions, and students' response to this individualized intervention. This module also explores parent involvement and issues related to English language learners.
  • RTI: Considerations for School Leaders - This module provides information about ways to build support for RTI, factors that should be addressed when implementing RTI, and methods of collecting data and evaluating the effectiveness of the RTI approach.


View the Star Legacy Modules on the IRIS Center Web site.

National Center on Response to Intervention Webinars


The National Center on Response to Intervention offers several webinars with top experts delivering valuable information on RTI. Archived webinars include an audio recording with accompanying PDF or power point materials. The webinars from 2010-2011 include:


  • The Essential Components of RTI: Considerations for English Language Learners
  • RTI Essential Component: Schoolwide, Multi-Level Prevention System
  • The Essential Components of RTI: Progress Monitoring
  • The Essential Components of RTI: Screening
  • Selecting Evidence-Based Tools and Programs for Implementing Response-to-Intervention
  • What is RTI? The Essential Components
  • RTI Implementation: Developing Effective Schedules at the Elementary Level

National Center on Student Progress Monitoring Webinar


On Thursday, September 25, 2008, the National Center on Student Progress Monitoring conducted a webinar on the use of curriculum-based measurement progress monitoring data for individualizing and monitoring the effectiveness of instruction in special education. Drs. Lynn and Douglas Fuchs, two nationally-renowned experts on RTI, presented on this exciting topic.

SchoolsMovingUp Webinars


The SchoolsMovingUp website features free webinars on a range of topics, including Response to Intervention (RTI). These webinars provide essential resources to schools and districts as they move forward with scaling up their RTI implementation. Archived webinars that focus on RTI include:


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